Home > Artworks > Patricia Cruzat Rojas

Photo of Patricia Cruzat Rojas Chile

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Hi I am Patricia Cruzat, and my painting reflects me.

I called a Bachelor of Arts from the Catholic University of Chile, with a major in Painting.

Painting for me is a way of thinking, because although I can not paint at some point, just painted in my mind.

Painting is a way to add color to my thoughts, my moments coloring, if known, to release the emotion. Paint me a happy life is a necessity,...

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39.37 x 23.62 in
43.31 x 31.50 in
47.24 x 39.37 in
43.31 x 33.46 in
36.22 x 24.02 in
51.18 x 43.31 in
59.06 x 47.24 in
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Hi I am Patricia Cruzat, and my painting reflects me.

I called a Bachelor of Arts from the Catholic University of Chile, with a major in Painting.

Painting for me is a way of thinking, because although I can not paint at some point, just painted in my mind.

Painting is a way to add color to my thoughts, my moments coloring, if known, to release the emotion. Paint me a happy life is a necessity, is a relief, a way of being and living.

I always wanted to be a painter and studied art.

I graduated from art, but the truth is that I started to paint really well after leaving the university.

I paint with any material that is diluted by water .... I like to mix, experiment with all kinds of materials, from paper, sand, plaster, collage, cardboard. Mi primer is acrylic paint.

I think for devote himself to painting, we must have the soul of a painter, would be ideal to be more ambitious, because it would be easier to live with art, but the two features together, not going with me. I think that to devote himself to painting is to do life with other colors.

Do not try to inspire or to seek inspiration, and I paint what happens to me, I think, what I feel, what I breathe and look, then I do, is just decipher how to express it in paint, is like a conversation . If my life changes, immediately change my painting.

I spent much of my career to teaching children, I have many art workshops for them, today I am more dedicated to teaching adults in my taller.Lo is more rewarding to teach everything I learn and I'm amazed at my students. It is also rewarding to help remove paint fears or fears of making mistakes. which tell you they learned from you, I feel useful and happy.

My largest project in the painting is to mount another exhibition. Meanwhile, I'm starting with my painting workshops for women. Workshops in which the painting is a way of releasing emotions. Indispensable to achieve a workshop not be excluded.


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